Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Winter Skincare Tips

During the winter you may find your skin prone to being dry and flaky, this is one of the major effects from cold weather. Take these few steps to help keep your skin stay healthy and look fresh this season.

1. Moisturise 

I cannot stress how important this is. Keeping your body and face moisturised is a key to help prevent dry and flaky skin. Try out an oil-based moisturiser, this type contains a greater amount of oil than other moisturisers. It will help keep your skin moisturised and soft as-well as looking radiant.

2. Exfoliate

Exfoliation is important in getting rid of dead skin cells on your body and . Include some good body scrubs and face exfoliators in your skincare routine. However, be sure to check what skin type and what type of exfoliators and cleansers that may work for you.

3. Drink Water

This may seem simple, but keeping your body hydrated throughout both winter & summer is a must! Try carrying water bottles with you during the day, and drink a couple of glasses of water when you reach home. Water is a natural way of keeping your body hydrated and fresh - You will soon see amazing results on your  skin.

4. Spa or Sauna/ Steam 

Try visiting your local gym that provides steam/sauna and enjoy! Its a great way of rejuvenating your skin, hydrate, serves as a deep cleanser, relaxing the mind and the body. It also provide medical aswell as emotional aid to you and your body. However, if you want, you can try buying a humidifier or even facial steamers that can be used at home - this will allow your skin to breathe more and reduce cracks and dryness .

5. Lip Care

You may find that your lips are drier and chapped in the winter rather than the summer, therefore your lips need better care. Try carrying round Lip Balms & Vaseline around  in your purse (Vaseline works wonders for me) and moisture your lips often :D
Remember DON'T LICK YOUR LIPS!! - as tempting as it may be to think that it's a quick way to remove chaps lips, it just makes it worse :( trust me

Got any more suggestions or for more infomation? Comment below :D.