Thursday, 14 February 2013

Review: Anatomicals Deep Cleansing Mud Mask


I hope you are all well. :)

These past few days, my skin has been breaking out like never before. I have combination/ dry skin, so mostly, the only areas that are most active in breakouts is my t-zone area. I don't experience many problems and as long as my skin is properly moisturised - I'm good to go. Whereas now its quite the opposite. I have reason to believe, that this is probably due to the harsh winter weather we've been having lately. As I sometimes develop a slight rash on my face when i go out.

So lately I've been trying different methods to reduce the breakouts and the redness of my skin. I started with the natural methods first, as I'm not very keen on putting too many products on my face. It seemed easier at the time too, since i'd have to try a load of different products to figure out which ones the most effective. I tried the natural yogurt mask, and it turned out to be quite good. It seemed to cleanse my face and get rid of the redness. I then tried the egg white and lemon one which worked wonders, and I woke up the next morning with brighter and more clearer skin.

After a while, I decided I should try and buy some sort of mask that I could add to my skin regime. Afte reading several good reviews about montagne jeunesse masks, I decided why I should give it a try. Unfortunately, they were out of stock in my local supermarket, and while looking for an alternative, I found 'Anatomaticals Deep Cleansing Mud Mask' so I thought 'why not?'. Mind you, they were only 50p, after being reduced from 90 something pence.

So here's the review bit of the post. Sorry to keep you waiting :)

The mask is ashy green with a thick yet light texture. When applied to the face, it goes on smoothly, and has a wonderful fragrance to it. It's best to wait till the mask is completely dry and then rinse it off. After rinsing it off, my skin was a lot smoother and my breakouts appeared smaller the morning after. The thing I like most about this mask, is that it has very few chemicals and ingredients. So say goodbye to those dreadful long tedious lists :p It is best to consider that this is a cleansing mask, so it WILL dry your skin out, so be sure to follow this treatment with a good moisturiser.

Overall I think this mask is quite good. I was totally new to the product and I had not heard of it before but it didn't disappoint me. I wouldn't mind purchasing this again, and the great thing about it is, despite the price you can still get more than one use out of it. Bargain!

I hope you all enjoyed this post

Thank you

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